
Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Spotlights the Importance of Diversity in Innovation

Microsoft’s Imagine Cup Spotlights the Importance of Diversity in Innovation Global student competition underscores the philosophies the Reboot Representation Tech Coalition values and intentionally invests in. No matter what sector you’re passionate about—the arts, the environment, healthcare, etc.—technology is crucial. And there’s no sign of this slowing down—overall demand for workers across all sectors with...

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Reboot Representation Signs Open Letter to Employers on Summer 2020 Internship Commitments Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 has disrupted many sectors, and higher education is no exception. As we consider the future of computing and technology specifically, it’s clear that COVID-19 will have a significant impact on the current students who are pursuing degrees and careers in technical fields.  In addition to class cancellations and campus closures, COVID-19 has led to...

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Welcome to Dwana Franklin-Davis, our new CEO

When the Reboot Representation Tech Coalition was formed in late 2018, our goal was to harness the philanthropic power of leading tech companies to support an increase in the number of Black, Latinx, and Native American women earning computing degrees. To achieve what we set out to do, we knew we would need a visionary leader at the helm.

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On Our First Anniversary: Where We’ve Been, What We’ve Learned, and What’s Ahead

In September 2018, McKinsey & Company and Pivotal Ventures, an investment and incubation company founded by Melinda French Gates, co-authored a report that brought to light new data around the gender gap in tech, particularly for Black, Latina, and Native American women.

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Today,, Riot Games, and F5 Networks announced that they will join the Reboot Representation Tech Coalition as Executive Members. We’re thrilled to have their support as we invest in programs supporting Black, Latina, and Native American women pursuing computer science degrees.

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Melinda French Gates announces launch of Reboot Representation Tech Coalition

Melinda French Gates recently announced the launch of the Reboot Representation Tech Coalition, a $12M effort by leading tech companies to double the number of Black, Latinx, and Native American women graduating with computing degrees by 2025.

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