Tech companies can help their talent enter, stay, and excel in the workplace. These resources can help!
Without a meaningful, sustained organizational commitment, corporate policies are just words on paper.
Dig into our tools and resources to learn more about how you can set and achieve data-driven retention goals in your workplace.

The Business Case for Investing in BLNA Women
A fact sheet that outlines how investing in BLNA women is good for employees, retention, and business.
6 Design Questions to Guide your Policies
A list of key questions that leaders and their teams should consider when implementing new policies in the workplace.
Intentional Policy Design in Practice
A case study on how to implement one of the nine cornerstone policies using key design questions.
Road Map to Action
A prioritized, three-part road map for companies ready to take action.
Inclusion Checklist
Companies can use this tool in discussions with grantees and in designing their own diversity initiatives to ensure that programs are designed with the specific needs of Black, Latina, and Native American women and girls in mind.
Strategy Diagnostic Toolkit
Making difficult strategic trade-offs involves honest conversations about what to prioritize. The questions in this toolkit will help tech companies plan for and have those conversations.
Tech Action Opportunities
Customizable thought-starters for designing corporate strategies to support Black, Latina, and Native American women and girls in computing.
Metrics Dashboard
The key indicators companies and their grantees can use to help determine what’s working across the CSR and philanthropic programs.